recently came across this skin care line on one of my trips to Ulta.
It is called Raw Essentials by Carol Alt. I was looking at some
products on a shelf and this brand got my attention because of the word
'raw.' I am always interested in skin care products that claim to
be healthy, natural or organic. I am not sure how long her products
have been around but I haven't seen them before. So, since I am almost
always in the need for some overnight cream, I picked one up.
just as the name indicates, Raw Essentials contains 100 % raw, active
ingredients that are never heated above 115°. I have never heard of any
other line of skin care products that are made this way. They also
never use petroleum, sulfates, detergents, synthetic preservatives,
parabens, artificial colors, fragrances or genetically modified
organisms. This is all very important because our skin absorbs
everything that we put on it. The more natural the products we use on
our skin, the better. Raw Essentials contain: antioxidates, omega 6
fatty acids, vitamins and minerals - all the great stuff that we need
beautiful, healthy skin.
I picked up the Night Time Firming and Nourishing Face cream which is
made with 40% raw aloe. I like how it doesn't have a strong fragrance.
It smells clean and light, not artificial or anything. It also
contains coconut oil which I LOVE. I haven't come across any products
that contain coconut oil, which is great for skin. There are so many
health and skin benefits from coconut oil. I have been trying to eat it
some how because of how great it is, I'm just not crazy about the taste
- it's too sweet.